After what feels like an eternity of colic, I am very pleased to see my baby grow out of that stage and be able to enjoy life! I will be the first to admit that MY baby was needy and cranky. I mean who could blame her really, with all the gas and cramps. I think I would be constantly crying too if that happened to me even at this point in my life. I won't sit here and say it was easy and fool people into thinking that all babies (especially mine) are perfect just because you only see positive postings and smiley pictures. In other words, I'm not afraid to say it like it is. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely ADORE Hailey, and call me biased but she's the prettiest thing, but it came with a price! lol.
Anyway, back to my topic for the day. It is absolutely correct when people say "wait until 6 months, things get way better". Actually, at first most people said "wait until 3 months is over, the colic will be gone"....well a word from the experienced, don't ever depend on the "3 month mark" and don't watch the calendar just because your doctor says "it's usually over in 3 months". I patiently waited for that darn 3 month mark so very badly, that when it came and Hailey seemed worse than ever, it was a HUGE disappointment!
Six months seems to be more accurate, although, there are some unfortunate souls who deal with it for longer..ugh. Every baby is different! So, around 5 months she started to get better. By better I mean, I switched to formula and she seemed less gassy and crampy. She didn't cry as much and was less fidgety at night. I know this because I had to sleep with her for 4 months. She would always fidget because she was being bothered by gas. Needless to say, that is why I couldn't get her to sleep on her own in her crib. The day I switched, she slept through the night on her own. I did end up bringing her to bed after her midnight feed though by choice. I am still pro breastfeeding though. I tried to go as long as possible because I know how beneficial it is! Not to mention it's cheap and convenient! Now that I know that it made THAT much of a difference, I probably would have switched her over at 3 months instead. I was pretty much eating like a rabbit, but I think there must have been more too let down, over supply etc. All those can contribute to the gas.
This month, an even more improvement. She seems more content than ever. Instead of crying ALL THE TIME, she can amuse herself more, she smiles more, she laughs more. I know some say that if the mom seems more calm then that will transfer over to baby, which I also believe but, in our case I'm more calm now because she is. She still fusses, but now it's meaningful as in she is tired or hungry. The most improvement comes with her sleep habits. She is now back on Vancouver time and naps the same times everyday and goes to bed around 7 pm, wakes up at 12 am to eat, then sleeps until around 6 am. The best part is that she does so in her crib!!!
Yesterday, we went to the park and had a picnic. A month ago I would have never thought that she would ever get to that point where we could sit on a blanket on the grass and just hang out. She loved it, we brought some toys for her so she could play as well. We stayed in the shade but I put a bit of baby sunscreen just incase. It was REALLY warm! She not only was happy then, but she was happy the whole day and because she goes to bed so easily now, Rob and I were able to enjoy the sunset on the deck with a friend over. Just a fluke??? Nope, she was just as good today. Very happy, content and is now in bed by 7 again.
For the first time since she was born, I feel really happy and love being a parent. Especially now knowing she isn't in pain anymore!