Yesterday Hailey turned 9 months! I can't believe she is 3/4 the way to a year! Time sure does fly. We had a pretty low key day. It was nice out so we went for a walk with my friend Julie and little boy Connor and had coffee. It was also my dad's birthday so we skyped for a bit with him and my mom. Hailey has been slowly transitioning from 3-2 naps a day so it really varies on how long she naps for. Today we also switched her meals around to correspond with the day care's schedule. I don't want to get into detail with all that but it ends up the same amount of bottles and food just slightly different times. We just pushed everything by 30 min for now which she seems to be ok with. She's into eating snacks so it all works out!
We haven't gotten her weighed or measured but will do so at her doctor's appointment next week:) She did go through a growth spurt though cause I sadly had to pack away some cloths :(
She isn't crawling yet nor does she have the desire to haha. However, she does stand really well with barely any help and pushes off her feet to a stand if she is on my lap. SOOO, I think she will want to stand and walk before learning to crawl....but who knows. She seems more interested in standing is all. One major thing that has changed is her reflux has gotten better! I think that is why she doesn't like being on her belly because that is the only time now that she still spits must put pressure. Other than that I don't need like 15 bibs/ receiving blankets a day now!!! wooot woot. Glad that is over!
I'm telling ya, if you don't have a baby with reflux you are so incredibly lucky you have no idea! If you have, then you know exactly how happy I am!
Aside from that her hair is starting to fill in a just a few months ago she was pretty bald haha. She's tried new foods cut up in pieces like noodles and grapes (are the new ones) and pieces of fruit that she has already had. Oh and a new fruit she tried is strawberries which I was still hesitant but she had no reaction and loved them :) Although I cooked and pureed them for a first go. I've been brushing her teeth daily since she's gotten them and we just tried some 0-2 toothpaste (no fl, can ingest). She also has no problems with that and likes doing it herself actually :)
I will update with the weight when that happens. In the meantime please enjoy my photobomb once again.
our little angel

Friday, August 31, 2012
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Doll from Great Grammy
I took some photos with Hailey and her new doll that was given to her by her great grammy Bannister that was made by her great great grammy! The letter that came with it wrote:
"Rob and Steph,
This doll was made by great grammy Douthwright. (my mom, Greta) I was cleaning out my closet when I was getting ready for new flooring, and came across three dolls. I decided that I wanted Hailey to have this one. I know it's not much but it holds special meaning to me and wanted to pass her on.
Please make sure that Hailey takes care of her but enjoys her.
Love you all so much, Love Gram. "
Thanks Gram for the doll. She likes it! We will take care of her!
Please enjoy this photo bomb.
"Rob and Steph,
This doll was made by great grammy Douthwright. (my mom, Greta) I was cleaning out my closet when I was getting ready for new flooring, and came across three dolls. I decided that I wanted Hailey to have this one. I know it's not much but it holds special meaning to me and wanted to pass her on.
Please make sure that Hailey takes care of her but enjoys her.
Love you all so much, Love Gram. "
Thanks Gram for the doll. She likes it! We will take care of her!
Please enjoy this photo bomb.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Family is gone :(
Well, it has been a little while since my last post. Since having help for a month, it was a little hard to get back to my regular routine and doing it by myself. So, it's been busy! Before Alyssa left, we took things a little slower. We spent more time at home playing with Hailey, walking around home and we visited a few other places to show Alyssa but just a little more low key. We went to kits beach and had lunch there where Hailey really started her new thing. That is reaching for everything (even those not in reach) and once getting it throwing it on the ground. It made it hard to eat lunch lol. We took this pic while we were there.
We then went to Cypress to check out the view. The day we went was the one day during the heat wave where it started to cloud over so the view wasn't that great. Still some fun photos.
We then went to Cypress to check out the view. The day we went was the one day during the heat wave where it started to cloud over so the view wasn't that great. Still some fun photos.
She has been growing so fast lately. Some new things she started is sort of dancing while sitting which is so cute and entertaining. She wants to play with everything that is NOT a toy...she is obsessed with my keys and phone to the point where I have to hide them from her view and if I am unlocking the door I have to distract her with a different toy. If not, she literally FREAKS cause I don't let her play with them. I don't want her getting into that spoiled habit of getting what she wants, so hard though!
She is eating a lot including some bits of what I call normal food lol. Meaning not pureed. We've given her fruit/veggies in big chunks for her to nibble/suck on and small cheerio size bits so she can move it around and chew. Today I even let her try some bread which she ate fine! She particularly loves mum mums though.
I will update more on her stats and everything at her 9 month update. Less than a week away !! :)
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
No No No No
Oh uh, Hailey learned the word no! Well at least in her head movements haha. I think I am up for some scary days ahead as she can pretty much shake her head no and seems to understand it? Who taught her that anyway??? No it's not that bad hahah. She just does it when you do it, like a mocking action or when you say "no no no" (still wasn't me who taught her btw haha). Here is a video of her doing it, it's a bit blurry but you get the point.
On top of that she seems to be starting a phase of being possessive of my stuff. I had to get her some toy keys today because after me letting her hold my keys (which I've been doing for a while with no issues) she cried like crazy while reaching for them when I took them away from her today. So..she won't be getting those anymore. She also did the same thing when I didn't let her play with my bracelet for more than a min ugh. All she wants is what I have in my hands. Fun times! She is growing up too fast!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Holy mobility batman!
Today we spent the entire day out and about downtown. We went to gastown, walked a bit of the seawall, had lunch there and went shopping on Robson. Hailey did amazing once again. She napped twice in her stroller. There were a couple of changes we noticed in her today, one being that she has started babbling WAY more..she even said what sounded like "dada". She does the occasional babble but wow today she was "on it"! Also the laughing..omg the laughing...she's starting to laugh really high pitched, it's sooo frigen cute! A few people commented on how adorable she was today too but how could someone not find a beautiful babbling/laughing baby not adorable haha.
The craziest change we noticed today though was when we got home. I noticed upon changing her and playing with her that she is back to her "rolling all over" stage. A couple of months ago that's all she wanted to do, then it kind of stopped for some reason almost likes she forgot how to do it. Today she rolled three times while I was trying to change her and also out on her play mat....but..that's not all.
She made her way on her stomach to grab a toy out of reach! She does like a worm or caterpillar effect where she lifts her legs and bum off the ground and pushes off her toes then lifts her upper body then repeat lol. I was shocked cause she HATES being on her belly, I thought she would just eventually go straight to walking. I didn't get any videos though mainly because I didn't want to stop watching her!
I will try and take some video or pics of her doing it next time but in the meantime enjoy this video of her dancing with her auntie.
The craziest change we noticed today though was when we got home. I noticed upon changing her and playing with her that she is back to her "rolling all over" stage. A couple of months ago that's all she wanted to do, then it kind of stopped for some reason almost likes she forgot how to do it. Today she rolled three times while I was trying to change her and also out on her play mat....but..that's not all.
She made her way on her stomach to grab a toy out of reach! She does like a worm or caterpillar effect where she lifts her legs and bum off the ground and pushes off her toes then lifts her upper body then repeat lol. I was shocked cause she HATES being on her belly, I thought she would just eventually go straight to walking. I didn't get any videos though mainly because I didn't want to stop watching her!
I will try and take some video or pics of her doing it next time but in the meantime enjoy this video of her dancing with her auntie.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Summer fun
Since my last post we've been pretty busy but Hailey handled it like a champ! We went to the zoo, metro town and Ikea, Deep Cove, Harrison hot springs and sight seeing around Vancouver area (including west van area).
At the zoo she had a lot of fun. She liked the parrots and the hippo feeding! She also got a little over tired from all the stimulation during the days prior so she had a bit of a hard time napping. She did eventually fall asleep in her stroller and also later in the carrier:) I think it's also because she loves being able to roll in her crib while she's sleeping hence she loves napping in her crib! I always see her try to turn in her stroller but she can't so it frustrates her to bits and she fights the carrier like there's no tomorrow but I am happy she finally let herself nap. Here is a pic of the cute little outfit her dad got her at the zoo.
At the zoo she had a lot of fun. She liked the parrots and the hippo feeding! She also got a little over tired from all the stimulation during the days prior so she had a bit of a hard time napping. She did eventually fall asleep in her stroller and also later in the carrier:) I think it's also because she loves being able to roll in her crib while she's sleeping hence she loves napping in her crib! I always see her try to turn in her stroller but she can't so it frustrates her to bits and she fights the carrier like there's no tomorrow but I am happy she finally let herself nap. Here is a pic of the cute little outfit her dad got her at the zoo.
Harrison hot springs was sooooo much fun! I can't even explain how proud I am of how she handled it especially after such a busy week! She fell asleep on her own in a strange place to her and slept all through the night..such a girl good:) She had a blast in the pool with her new floaty and also at the splash park. We also spent a bit at the lake where she played with some of her toys. The second night she woke up a couple of times because there was some noise and banging that woke her up. After it settled down she was ok and slept the night.
Aside from that we did a lot of sightseeing which was fun too :) She's tried some new foods as well, like watermelon (including trying some watermelon sorbet), turkey and apricot. Her appetite has also doubled!! A couple of weeks ago I had made a months worth of food for her, and suddenly she just started eating way more than normal so that food was gone in a couple of weeks! She now eats about 2.5 ice cube tray sized portions - 3 times a day along with her bottles, including a bit of snacking and water in between! Growth spurt much!
One of the best improvements that I've noticed over the past month is that her reflux is FINALLY going away. Thank GOD! She still does spit up here and there like a normal baby, but at least it isn't after every burp, after every meal. I no longer have her constantly wearing a bib and the laundry has gone down quite a bit as a result. So happy about that.
What else is new?? She is waving hi..not all the time but if we're persistent she does, she can stand against the couch without help, she claps her hands more often, and her hair is thickening a bit. (Although she has spit up a bit today lol) Here's a pic of her practicing her standing! Love you Hai-bear
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