our little angel

our little angel

Sunday, September 8, 2013

21 months

Hailey turned 21 months on Aug 30. It's been a little while but felt I should update. So much has happened! For one she is a full time walker now which is awesome! She also seemed to have grown a bit. She went up a shoe size over night it seems and is wearing mostly 2-3T clothing. She understands so much now and surprises me everyday. She doesn't say too many words just yet but she says a lot that sometimes can be interpreted as certain words so I've identified those as well and count them as words. She also signs some things as she tries to say it. Like "all done" she says "da done" while waving her hand from side to side and she's working on the sign for "more".  She points a lot too and says "what's this?"
Her new game now is tag/hide and seek type game where she likes being chased and chasing back and she's all about jumping. She even tries to kick up her legs in the air while having her hands planted on the ground (visualize someone trying to learn a handstand). Crazy kid.
She loves books, rock music and cars. She could spend a good hour just going through her book shelf and she dances and bounces to rock music over any other kind. What makes me think she likes cars is because for one she knows our car and gets excited when we are heading to it saying "car car" and also  in a play area she preferred playing with the cars and tracks over the girl stuff like the pretend kitchen etc. Such a tom boy! This leads me to this: Hailey also fell and fractured her radial bone near the wrist. Yep. At 21 months old she has a cast. Poor thing. She is one tough cookie and it certainly didn't stop her from running around and jumping.
I just can't believe how fast time is going by. She's growing so fast!

I got my cast today :(
At least it's purple!

Being cute near Ambleside 


One muddy kid. For the record we didn't know it had rained and just decided to let her play anyway

woohoo love the park!

mmm what's this?

Trip to NB and NS

This is a bit of a late entry but we went home to visit family in August for a week and to attend Rob's uncle Danny's wedding.
Hailey had a great time this visit. It was short and very busy but she adjusted very well to the time change almost immediately. Her eating schedule was a little off all week but that's ok she did fine regardless.  She was very happy to play with everyone :)
First, we went to Bathurst for a very quick couple of days since our flight was delayed quite a bit. Here are a few pics:

Next, we went to Salisbury and Moncton. Again, another short visit but just as much fun! We had a little fire down by the river and Hailey got to swing on a big swing. She also enjoyed her first Maritime donair (no other can compare!) and enjoyed seeing more family :) We also were able to fit in a quick visit to the Magnetic Hill Zoo.

Last but not least, we went to Halifax. It was fun to check out the waterfront while we were there. We forgot her stroller in Salisbury which was kinda annoying but grampy took the challenge of carrying her around when she wouldn't walk lol.