Hi everyone! Yesterday was Hailey's 2nd birthday! I can't believe how fast the past year went. I guess it flies by when you work full time and also pregnant for a 2nd, so many distractions and it keeps you busy!
In the past year we've had a blast with Hailey. She's really growing into a sweet and loving little girl. We've seen her learn to walk and run, we went on 3 vacations (home and Hawaii and home again), she's made some friends at daycare, and kept in touch with other little friends from before. She helps me do some chores, loves to play hide and seek (her favorite game at the moment) and LOVES ACDC haha. She will dance and "spin round and round" as we call it when their music comes on.
The one thing I really love about Hailey and am truly proud of is that she is such a easy going kid when it comes to other kids. She loves playing with just about anyone and makes new friends easily. She shares really well and is very social.
So for her birthday, I didn't have time to plan anything crazy and besides her family isn't here anyway. However, two of her little friends came over for some cake and so that she could play with some little ones around her age. She got a kitchen set from dad and grammie, a mini blow up ball pit from nana and papa, a charm for her bracelet from me (this is a tradition thing I started), and some books, stickers, farm little people, a princess doll, remote control car (which was a hit with the kiddos), and crayolo colorwonder paper and marker. Super cool gifts, and she loves all of those things!
She also had a Dora cake and made a gigantic mess out of it. Fair enough since last year on her 1st she had just gotten over roseola and didn't really have her appetite back, so it made up for last year haha. Plus she had dropped her spoon on the floor and I didn't notice :( So the poor child said ok well lets eat it with my hands! So it got everywhere! haha