our little angel

our little angel

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I noticed the last few feeds that in addition to drinking a full bottle Hailey devoured her ounce of veggies or fruit. So, I decided it was time to try and increase the amount of solids. I decided to try giving her a veggie and a fruit for one of her meals today. So, of course, I went out and got her a split plate since I only had bowls. I held up two plates and got Hailey to choose one. She reached out and smiled at this one...

I thought it was a good choice. I liked this one more too! hehe. 
We also tried apples for the first time today. I was hesitant to try apples because my mom is allergic. Rob and I don't have any problems with apples and I was sure it would be ok since apples are low risk for allergies, but I still had that "what if" feeling. So, far she seems ok and she really loved it! I can't wait to try pears and make a apple/pear/cinnamon treat! 
We tried zucchini before apple but I stopped after two days. I know were supposed to wait at least 4 days but I noticed an increase in fussiness those two days and even though she's teething I felt like it was the zucchini. I read that because you leave the skin (for the vitamins/minerals) that some babies find it tough to digest. So, we'll leave that one for a bit later! 
She really enjoys solids and being spoon fed. Sometimes I make the puree a little chunkier than others and she still likes it. No problems so far. When she gets a little more interested in playing with her food I'll start giving her some soft finger foods!
So, here's more pics of feeding time :)

Friday, June 22, 2012

Dexterity exercises

   I've been so wrapped up lately with getting her to practice sitting up, that I haven't really been elaborating on the techniques that she does so well. So, upon searching the web, I came upon a couple of fun activities listed per month of the babies age. This included some exercises to improve dexterity and/or the pincer grasp. Hailey handles her toys pretty well so I thought it would be fun to just play!
First, I gave her a little picture album, you know the ones that are just 4x6 and all plastic. This was perfect for her to learn how to grab the pages and with her fingers, since the plastic is slippery,light and won't tear! Plus she gets to see pictures of recognizable faces as an added bonus:)

Next, we did "arts and crafts" where I gave her a fat marker and construction paper. She just hits the crayon on the page haha...but it's still practicing the grasp! I then tore up the construction paper which she enjoyed the sound of. Then I crinkled the page into a ball and gave it to her so she could crinkle it too...she loved this! 
By the way, I have no photo of the crayon since I wanted to watch her so she didn't poke herself!

Finally, we played with bubbles!!! Yay bubbles, who doesn't like bubbles! This was just a fun activity for visual stimulation and auditory. I blew bubbles in a cup which is unexpected noise. Then I made some home made bubble solution and used this rubber ring thing I had laying around to make the bubbles for visual. I even added some red food coloring for some pink bubbles :) 
I need to go to shopping for some straws so I can blow some better bubbles out of the cup!
For a rainy day, it was pretty exciting! 

Here's the link I used:

and here's another link of activities I've pinned so far on pinterest which I look forward to trying :)

Just for fun!

Since it's not so nice out today, we just decided to have a fun stay at home day :)
She was loving her bouncer!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Last day of swim lessons...until next time!

We had our last day of swimming today! It's sad that it is over already but also relieving at the same time. It was right around Hailey's eating schedule so near the end I had to feed her right before which is not a big deal, but she still has this darn reflux! Don't even get me started with that, thought it would be over by now.
Anyway, she did good last class and today! She really enjoys just floating around whether it's in one of those foam floaty things or in a life jacket! Today was really cute, they got into this little foam canoe type boat  two at a time with their lifejackets on. I laughed so hard cause Hailey's chubby cheeks were all smushed due to the jacket, but so cute at the same time!
At the end they got a little report card from the instructor. I can't wait until she goes again, but will probably wait until she's a year for the classes again and just go on our own in the meantime!

Here's some pics of Hailey showing off her report card :)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Father's day :)

I guess it's been a little while since I have posted something! That is probably because Hailey has been such a great napper and sleeper that I've become a little lazy haha. Actually, that is not totally true. I did become a little more active and started doing a bit of yoga and turbo jam during some down time! What I meant was a little more lazy when it comes to keeping up with journals and editing photos.

So, Father's Day just passed and it was pretty chill. We went out for a little bit during the day and in the evening I made a 3 course BBQ dinner with beer for Rob as his gift (since the man buys anything he wants/needs anyway). It started with smoked cheddar cheese sausages as an appetizer, then peppercorn steak with pizza delight style pasta salad. For those who are from out west, you're missing out on an excellent pizza chain! Finally, a cheesecake for desert followed by a card from Hailey.

Everything else has been pretty laid back lately. We are in our final week of swim class and Hailey just had a GREAT class today. She absolutely loved being in this little floaty board thing where they can sit inside and I pushed her around in that. I was even able to sit in the hot tub for a bit with her at the end of the class. By the way, the hot tub is a family hot tub and at a good temperature for them. Yesterday, she lost one of her favorite toys while we were out for a walk :( So, today after her great class I thought I'd treat her to a new toy plus some extra rings to attach her toys to her stroller with lots of leeway! That way she won't lose anything but it's not restrictive. 

She has been working hard on her solids too! As of today she has three meals a day and an extra bottle. So far I have been sticking to purees, mostly veggies so that she gets a good taste for them before having too many sweets :) She's tried sweet potato, peas, carrots, squash, avocado and bananas. So basically she has, cereal for breakfast, a fruit for lunch and a veggie for dinner with milk at all three meals of course. She has been doing really well with this and she's not eating a ton of solids at these meals..just a few bites for now. I'm mainly checking for reactions and to get her used to it in general!

Finally, she has been hitting certain milestones faster than others. For example,  she's STILL working on sitting non supported (she can for a few minutes depending on her mood)  and she doesn't say very much except hi and sometimes "gaa" lol. She can however, pass her toys from hand to hand which I read doesn't happen until later. It's cute because she'll roll to one side to grab a toy with one hand try to shake it like a rattle and if it doesn't she passes it to the other hand then roll over drop it, pick up another toy and pass it back haha. She  also laughs out loud, started claping her hands when excited, puts her sippy cup to her mouth but can't quite tip it yet, and scoots her knees under her bum trying to crawl!

That is all for the update! Enjoy some pics :)

Getting ready for the day "saying cheese"

I'll just sit here for a bit

Oh look an owl!

Gimme my toy!

Enjoying some daddy time

So into the cartoon

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Rainy day

Today Hailey had another swim class which didn't go so well today. I think, again, it has to do with needing the car and having to drive Rob to work. It becomes so hard to figure out when to feed and have her nap if we're driving what seems like forever to get there! Today, we were early getting to the pool, which made Hailey a little inpatient as she wasn't really napping. So by the time the class started, she was a ticking time bomb. I could tell on her face she would start to bawl any minute. She let out a huge yawn and her eyes got red/ droopy then...the teacher introduced the pool noodles. All hell broke loose at this point! I know Hailey wasn't just scared cause we were playing with one while we waited and she loved it then! She got so red eyed and blotchy (just like I get when I cry), it was so sad. We ended class early for that reason..and before we even left I fed her and she fell asleep within seconds! Poor thing. Aside from that today is sort of a relaxing day, we just stayed in since it's raining out. She did start a new sound which actually sounds pretty creepy (like the grudge haha...seriously). I even took a video of it today but too lazy to upload it haha. Also she REALLY enjoys her activity bouncer. That is the update for now..here's a pic of us just hanging out cuddling!

Friday, June 1, 2012


Today was pretty low-key. Going to swim lessons is a huge ordeal and kinda tires me out! First, we have to leave at 8:30 am to drive Rob to work. She usually eats at 9 am and has a nap so I have to feed her at his work.  Then we only leave there at around 9:45 to 10 which then means we have to drive straight to West Van to the aquatic center. The class starts at 11 but it takes me 30 - 45 min to get over there! That means I need to be already dressed before we even leave, so that I can focus on getting Hailey ready once we get there which takes a while! Anyway, the last class we put life jackets on the little ones, it was super cute! Hailey just wanted to eat it though lol....it was kinda gross!

Enough about that..I forgot to include some stats for 6 months last post:
Weight: 16 lbs 2 oz
Height: 27 in
Head circ. 44 cm
Size clothes: 6-12 months (although because she is long some 6-12 month pants are getting short)
New discoveries: rolls around a lot, enjoys peas and sweet potatoes, LOVES rattle toys and easily passes them from hand to hand and shakes them, bounces in her activity bouncer, sits unsupported but still working on balance and is trying SO hard to crawl.

I also was browsing at some baby pics of myself at Hailey's age and found that we really look alike! Here's a pic that I put together: