So, Father's Day just passed and it was pretty chill. We went out for a little bit during the day and in the evening I made a 3 course BBQ dinner with beer for Rob as his gift (since the man buys anything he wants/needs anyway). It started with smoked cheddar cheese sausages as an appetizer, then peppercorn steak with pizza delight style pasta salad. For those who are from out west, you're missing out on an excellent pizza chain! Finally, a cheesecake for desert followed by a card from Hailey.
Everything else has been pretty laid back lately. We are in our final week of swim class and Hailey just had a GREAT class today. She absolutely loved being in this little floaty board thing where they can sit inside and I pushed her around in that. I was even able to sit in the hot tub for a bit with her at the end of the class. By the way, the hot tub is a family hot tub and at a good temperature for them. Yesterday, she lost one of her favorite toys while we were out for a walk :( So, today after her great class I thought I'd treat her to a new toy plus some extra rings to attach her toys to her stroller with lots of leeway! That way she won't lose anything but it's not restrictive.
She has been working hard on her solids too! As of today she has three meals a day and an extra bottle. So far I have been sticking to purees, mostly veggies so that she gets a good taste for them before having too many sweets :) She's tried sweet potato, peas, carrots, squash, avocado and bananas. So basically she has, cereal for breakfast, a fruit for lunch and a veggie for dinner with milk at all three meals of course. She has been doing really well with this and she's not eating a ton of solids at these meals..just a few bites for now. I'm mainly checking for reactions and to get her used to it in general!
Finally, she has been hitting certain milestones faster than others. For example, she's STILL working on sitting non supported (she can for a few minutes depending on her mood) and she doesn't say very much except hi and sometimes "gaa" lol. She can however, pass her toys from hand to hand which I read doesn't happen until later. It's cute because she'll roll to one side to grab a toy with one hand try to shake it like a rattle and if it doesn't she passes it to the other hand then roll over drop it, pick up another toy and pass it back haha. She also laughs out loud, started claping her hands when excited, puts her sippy cup to her mouth but can't quite tip it yet, and scoots her knees under her bum trying to crawl!
That is all for the update! Enjoy some pics :)
Getting ready for the day "saying cheese"
I'll just sit here for a bit
Oh look an owl!
Gimme my toy!
Enjoying some daddy time
So into the cartoon
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