our little angel

our little angel

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Stayed in today

Today Hailey, Rob and I had a pretty laid-back day. We decided that we would spend the majority of the day at home playing with Hailey and work on her crawling (with the exception of our daily walk).
Rob mentioned to me that he notice a big change in Hailey over the last couple of days and I totally agree. Though she isn't crawling yet, her tolerance to being on her tummy has increased!! We noticed today that she played and lasted quite a long while on her tummy before getting annoyed. For those who don't know, she pretty much hated being on her tummy! We always did tummy time daily, but she would get upset, cry and cry and cry then suddenly spit up! She is a pretty good stander, but she hates her being on her tummy. Today, she would move in a circle, slowly drag herself and roll around like crazy. The other change is an increase in her vocals over the last few days. Rob doesn't see her a lot since she's going to bed by the time he gets home from work, so it was a shock to him (more so than me) when she would babble like she was telling us a story. Too cute.

I think she particularly liked when Kelohe wanted her attention haha:
Aside from working on tummy time, we played with her new bead maze toy. The reason we got her this is because she absolutely loved this toy at the doctor's office! I never seen her get so excited over a toy like this one. She likes focusing on the beads moving and all the colours. We also played with blocks and read a couple of books. My little smarty pants!

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