I think that I couldn't have asked for a better holiday weekend! Not only was Rob off all weekend, but Hailey was so good! Normally, Rob and I would jet out of the city for Easter long weekend, and we were even contemplating it this year with Hailey. Instead we decided that it just makes things too busy and we would rather spend quality time hanging out around home and go for drives and spend time at the parks :)
It was such a good decision on our part! The weather was beautiful (sunny all weekend and up to +15) and Hailey was able to see the Easter bunny! She was having some difficulty sleeping all week (probably gas) but this weekend she was back to her good sleeping schedule (thank God)
Friday, we went for a drive to Alice Lake and just past Whistler. Saturday, we spent time downtown. We went to the conservatory and walked around the park there. Hailey seemed to have really enjoyed herself. Sunday, we opened gifts with her and went to see the Easter bunny at the Quay. Monday, we went downtown and walked along the sea wall by False Creek. She seems much more portable now that I don't mind feeding her in public! It makes life a little more enjoyable at the moment haha. I am glad she had a good weekend cause she has been having quite a rough go and it's nice to see her happy :)
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