I love sunny weather! It gets me in such a good mood! I think Hailey likes it too :)
So today she learned something new! She actually rolled over from back to front! Yay Hailey :) Since turning 4 months, she has learned so much its freaking me out! So far she can amuse herself with her toys, sing or speak (whatever that adorable sound she makes is), roll from front to back, hit her musical toy on her playmat, blow spit bubbles (although she's been doing that for a while now), stand firmly on her feet with just holding my hands, roll from back to front and ALMOST sitting on her own! (still working on the balance) Oh and she also tries to get her knees under her like in the crawling position..Boy I think I will have my work cut out for me faster than I expected lol
She also recognizes her nana and papas voice even though they are all the way in the maritimes :)
Oh Hailey you are growing so fast!
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