our little angel

our little angel

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

11 months!

I'm a little late posting this but on Oct. 30th, Hailey turned 11 months! One whole month away from a year old! We were pretty busy with Halloween and other things that I never had a chance to do some 11 month photos! So, today we went to the park since it was nice and sunny and finally got some shots!

Weight- I have a hard time weighing her because she naps during the weigh-ins at the community center. I have tried weighing her on the wii but with me holding her, which gives her 20lbs give or take a couple of ounces.
Height- 29 in
Foods- Eats just about everything we eat minus honey and nuts. Although, she does eat peanut butter. Her new favorite are tomatoes. She feeds herself really well too. We never had a problem with that hehe.
Developments- Isn't crawling or walking yet. She just recently learned to sit herself from laying, but doesn't do it often. Moves backwards, I wouldn't call it crawling backwards, but she tries to get on fours but ends up going backwards. Can take steps while holding her, and loves to stand at her play table. She is really winy though when she wants something but can't figure out how to get to it. She knows how to put this ball in the hole of one of her toys and knows that the shaped blocks need to go in certain holes but can't quite fit them in yet. She also recognizes Kelohe's name (when I call it she looks around for the cat).
Words: "mama", "dada", "hi"..and I heard her whisper "bye" but that was just once hehe. She also recently started making a "tttt or th" sounds too.

Last but not least, she is weaned from her soother! She only needed it to nap or sleep and one night she just kept spitting it out so I took it away cold turkey and she was fine. Next day didn't give it to her for her naps. Again, fine! It has been 5 days and falls asleep no problem without it :)
Please enjoy some photos:)

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