our little angel

our little angel

Sunday, November 25, 2012


My poor baby has Roseola! This happened all so strangely. First off, she is getting five upper teeth, two of which are making there way through the gum. As a result, her gums are pretty swollen and she had been sort of fussy as of Tuesday of this past week. That night she had a small fever of 38 degrees. After a night of being awake a few times and given some Tylenol, her temp went down a bit. The next day, Wednesday, she was drooling SO MUCH. At daycare, she went through 3 shirts and ended up wearing one of the other kids' shirts. Naturally, I blame all of this on teething. When I picked her up, her sitter said she woke up with a red/puffy eye. So, I got a bit worried but thought she may had just slept on it funny because it went away. Then she was sort of better Thursday but her puffy eyes came back and still lots of drooling.

Friday she was very irritable, her temp was normal but started refusing bottles and food. Right before her doctor's appointment she woke up from a 3 hour long nap with a rash all over her neck back and forehead. The doctor told me it was all due to teething and her temp gave her a heat rash. I found this kind of strange but took her word for it.

My mom saw a picture the next day of Hailey's rash and said it looked like Roseola! At that point I instantly knew she was right because I knew it was just too odd for her to have all of these other symptoms over teething! I took her into a different clinic yesterday and the doctor there agreed that it was Roseola. Poor little pumpkin. Needless to say, she had a sore throat and not much of an appetite hence the eating and drinking refusal.

Today she seems a bit better, she slept through the night last night and had a very good appetite for supper. I decided to feed her purees instead for tonight to make it easy to swallow and she had some watered down apple juice to get some energy. Hope she is back to her normal self soon!

Here is a pic of her yesterday eating yogurt..the rash can be seen on her forehead.

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