our little angel

our little angel

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A birth story

Today was extremely uneventful! It was raining most of the day so we hung out inside, read some books, played with toys and I cleaned up the place a bit. Totally boring. So I decided that since I started this blog pretty much 3 months after her birth, I am going to back track a bit and share how her birth went!
So November 27th 2011, I felt sort of crampy (which I had been feeling through out the pregnancy) but it woke me up in the middle of the night and there was a bit of bleeding. That sort of freaked me out a bit since there was still 2.5 weeks until my due date, but also late enough that it could be labour starting. So we went to the hospital. They monitored me and sent me home since I was only dilated 2-3 cm and my cramps were very mild and irregular. The whole next day I seriously thought I was going to be back at the hospital and giving birth. The doctor even told me she was expecting to see me back there. My cramps turned into contractions that were becoming regular and closer together but tolerable. (To me, I didn't know the level of pain I would be in cause they were painful but tolerable) We went back to the hospital. They told me I hadn't dilated anymore and that if I could handle the contractions that I could go home until they got worse, but that I should go to see my OBGYN to get my cervix checked again the next morning.
That night I was up all night at home. The next morning, tired but still ok, we went to the OBGYN and she checked my cervix and I went up to 4 cm. She told me that by that night I would probably be in the hospital...which was the case! Not because I was ready to deliver but because I had gotten pretty tired of the contractions, since they had been going on for a while at this point. So they kept me there for the night but I STILL wasn't dilating. That night was the worse, mainly because I KNEW I wasn't dilating but the contractions were getting worse. If I knew that things were progressing, I may have been able to handle them more. So, with that thought in my mind, I asked for Nitrous Oxide..which did NOTTA. It helped me relax to sleep a bit but, they then gave me a morphine shot to get me through the night so I could sleep to build reserve my energy needed for second stage labour.
The next day, I nearly bawled when I hadn't dilated more! The doctor at this point decided to induce me since I had been in labour for quite some time. This was at around 9 am. The pain went from 0-100 in no time, but I hung on! I really really wanted to do this naturally. So a few hours pass and the pain got worse and worse, but I just kept focusing on breathing. Then came the most painful cervix check to date, and what was most painful was the fact that I still wasn't dilating as fast as I thought, I think I had dilated 1 cm or something like that. So I cried and said I want the epidural then. At this point, I was so tired of having contractions, and not have slept very much in the past few nights, I was just exhausted and didn't care anymore about my original birth plan! Again, if I knew there was great progress, I probably could have made it, but to find out all that time and only 1 cm difference was very discouraging!
The epidural was the best decision I have ever made! It kicked in about 10 min after and it allowed me to sleep for a few hours so I could be ready to push later which is so important. (To be well rested that is) It was worth the rest too because she came out in less than an hour of pushing! She was born at 6:44 pm :)
Oh and the entire time, Rob had his gopro cam going so we actually have a time lapse of the entire labour/birth.
Did the anesthesiologist ever get me good haha. After 2 hours post birth, I should have been ok to get up on my feet, but nope. The nurse was helping me get off the bed to transfer to a wheelchair and I fell. Wow, it was the strangest feeling to not have any sensation. I could move my legs while I was lying on the bed, but I didn't know when my foot was touching the floor!
My recovery was quite good I think. Hailey had a bit of jaundice but didn't need the light, we just had to make sure she ate regularly since it made her sleepy.
It was definitely a unique and amazing experience!

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