our little angel
Saturday, March 31, 2012
I can roll and chew gum!
I have been trying for the past day and a half to add videos to this blog to show how Hailey can roll. It just keeps saying loading for EVER. So, I gave up. Anyway, she shocked me when I placed her for tummy time and she immediately rolled over :) She has done this a few times now and I was able to catch it on video. She also is SO SO SO close to rolling over from her back. She has the technique just has her arm in that exact spot preventing her from getting over. She will catch on I'm sure. It's such a great feeling, however bitter sweet because now I have to really watch her on her changing table. Not that I have just let her there but I mean now I have to hold her lol..or change her elsewhere. (But, I am not mentally ready for her to outgrow it :( )
She also started doing this strange thing where it looks like she's chewing gum haha. I even thought the first time that she had something in her mouth she was rolling around but no. It's pretty funny. I read that it can be a sign of teething also or it could just be she discovered something else she could do lol.
Anyways, today we took a drive out to Squamish, it was nice. She slept pretty much the whole time except when it was time to eat. We're getting pretty comfortable driving around being out with her, it's nice.
I can't wait until she discovers something else she can do, it's such a nice change from the "change, feed, burp ,cry and sleep" routine. Oh and I am convinced that she says "hi", I think its her first word! hehe
Friday, March 30, 2012
"I'm what now?"
Today was a good day overall. We went for a walk, twice. Once with a friend and again to get some food. She is still speaking and drooling like crazy and unfortunately still blood present in her stool :( She seems in better spirits in general, though, she does still have the occasional fussiness when she has a bowel movement. I am continuing the no dairy diet, however I have been having a bit of soy here and there as it's so hard to give up both. I just got over a cold and wanted soup so badly which, you guessed it, contains soy. So from then on I have been not so strict with soy, but still not over doing it. Perhaps that's why there's still blood, maybe the soy is irritating the fissure? I don't know what to think anymore, as a matter of fact, my head hurts when I think about it! Thank God she has a follow up appointment next week.
So to celebrate her turning 4 months, we took a bath together! I was a bit anxious to see how she would react; her face was priceless! She had the biggest eyes when she quickly noticed we weren't headed for her usual bath spot but instead going into a big white tub! When I thought they wouldn't get any bigger, they did as I lowered her into the bath with me. She quickly started kicking and splashing, it was super cute! She also didn't mind having her head half submerged either! I think she is totally ready for the pool :)
So here's the end of the month stats:
4 months (or 17 weeks)
weight: 13 lbs
length: 23 3/4 inches
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Drool and teething?
I don't know what it is these past few nights but Hailey has been extra annoying. She's fine during the day, but the days of sleeping 6 hours straight seemed to have come to a halt. Maybe it's a cold she caught from me or teething (which COULD be possible), but whatever it is, it causes her to sort of whine every 2-3 hours. I am still doubting the teething since she is only 4 months but at the same time she seems to really want to chew on anything she gets her hands on and the DROOL omg the drool. Ironically, the spit up has decreased significantly but now the bibs stay on because of this endless amount of spit bubbles and drool.
Even though I work in the dental profession, I am no teething expert when it comes to the first two. I have yet to see a baby prior to the eruption of their first little set. So, it is hard for me to tell. She seems to have two little white spots on the lingual aspect of her gums (on the back side where your tongue would touch). The gum itself doesn't appear red or anything..just the two little white buds. Now I don't know if that appears a long while before they erupt or if this is the start of teething but all I can say is that I am seriously tired of co-sleeping.
I wanted to train her in her crib but now that she has this little thing going on where she sort of whines/cries every 2-3 hours..I don't know if I am up for it. On the other hand, it has to be done. Hopefully, it won't last long whatever it is.
The day before last, a package arrived from her nana and papa for Easter. I didn't open the easter wrapped gift but my mom insisted that I open the box to check out some of the things. There were two sweet dresses, a sundress, some books, a raincoat, a handmade bracelet and a recordable storybook which had my parents' voices recorded! Hailey loved it!
Here are some pics of the dresses :)
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Sunny Sunday with a grey cloud above our heads!
It was a BIG day for Hailey today. We went for a family walk down to Lonsdale Quay, got some veggies there and then spent the rest of the day at Stanley Park! Now that I conquered my fear of BFing in public, I don't mind being out for extended periods (as long as Hailey is doing ok that is).
I have a bit of a cold (sore throat and sniffles) so, it was kind of annoying that it was a bind windy near the water. Once we got into the trails though, it warmed up. I just hope that Hailey doesn't catch my cold :( It was really nice to get out with Rob as well though. It was a beautiful day and when Hailey is calm its a wonderful time! Everything seemed to be lovely, but then the grey cloud appeared.
As we approached our parked care to head home, we noticed from far that there was a van parked horizontally in front of our car. I thought, ok that's strange. Then I noticed a group of people standing around. We quickly realized that the van had totally damaged our car. We don't know what in the world this driver was doing/thinking but apparently he was trying to park and hit the gas while backing thinking he was in drive. He ended up on the curb and damaged our whole front end.
For those who don't know. The car (which was brand new btw) got in an accident 24 hours after we bought it while I was 7 months pregnant and we just got it all repaired right before Christmas. Also not our fault. It is so depressing when its the second accident in 6 months caused by others! Thank God we weren't in it but still. What a mood killer.
Even though it ended kind of horribly, playing with Hailey made us forget all the bad stuff that happened. She is getting really strong and just about rolls from both her stomach and back! She is getting really good at tummy time (even though we don't practice everyday). She has strong legs and can stand on them with very little help and when she's on her tummy she tries so hard to get her knees under her!
So that's our day in a nutshell!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Saturday Outing
Today was such a nice day! With the sun shining, blue skies and Rob off, we decided to go for a walk and spend the day outside. We headed to Ambleside park in West Van, where initially it was really cold, but after a bit it started to warm up quite nicely. Hailey started off in her stroller since she was sound asleep, then we switched her to the carrier when she woke up. We even tried facing her outwards in the carrier since she seems to like to be held facing outwards all the time. She really enjoyed this! She liked seeing the dogs running by and also the ducks in the pond. I'm loving this age! It's nice when they are more aware of what's around them.
Tomorrow is supposed to be nice like today so we plan to go downtown to Stanley Park. Can't wait! It's exciting to get out of our zone since its been so long, plus mama's getting a little stir crazy haha.
Here's some pics of today's outing!
Facing outwards
Taking a little break
Watching the ducks
finally some answers!
Last night after another painful bowel movement for Hailey, I noticed her stool was sort of brick coloured and thought ok enough is enough I want answers NOW. When Rob got home we went straight to the ER and told them the whole story and how I was fed up of seeing her in pain and I didn't want to leave without answers. At first it looked as if I was going to be disappointed yet again as the doctor was saying that we were following the pediatrician and that we were doing everything right. He continued with the whole "well she's gaining and seems healthy" bit. Yes, she is gaining, yes she seems otherwise in good health, but I REALLY hate when they say that because they aren't the ones at home seeing her struggle and cry with actual tears running down her face from the pain on a regular basis! PLUS blood???hello can you say red alert??
Anyway, he at that point examined her and found something that even I saw with me own eyes..it was very apparent that she had a fissure slightly inside. It didn't take much to make it bleed either..and holy wow did she ever cry when it started to bleed! The exact cry she does sometimes before I notice blood in her diaper. So...that would explain a lot, it would explain why she doesn't always have blood and also why sometimes she cries when she passes gas. It all makes sense. So wait? Why wasn't this seen before?? That is what makes me sooooo angry. She could have had this resolved a month ago when the bleeding first showed up. I even had one doctor examine her there and he proceeded to tell me that he didn't think that it was blood...wtf? Seriously? Glad he isn't my regular doctor! I am also saddened that I had to put her through hell for a test that will without a doubt come back negative. Although I am happy it will be negative!
Anyway, I am just happy we found what it was. Sad part is though, it can still be worsened by milk protein so I still have to watch that..maybe not as severe as before (ie can have things that have bits of soy for example). However, I will continue it until it has cleared for sure.
Today its beautiful out, so I am excited that we can spend the weekend together and actually enjoy it!
Friday, March 23, 2012
Spring here?
What a beautiful day out! Hailey and I went out for a walk with a friend and her baby and I initially thought it was sunny but still cold so we bundled up. I ended up taking layers off cause it was so warm!
Hailey is doing good today. Not much to say today except that we are probably going to head out for a walk again since it's so nice out. TGIF everyone!
"Hi mom!"
Playing with her toys
Thursday, March 22, 2012
A wild day!
Hailey chillin after a long/hard day
Today has been a world wind of emotions! Let me start from the beginning. I was so excited to learn yesterday that Hailey was booked in for a Meckel's Diverticulum scan at Children's Hospital today. This is mainly to check to see if the blood in the stool is or isn't coming from misplaced stomach tissue releasing acid. It would explain all the pain she experiences while passing a bowel movement as well. As a mom it is obviously natural to want the scan so that we can properly come up with a diagnosis, however I must say this was the hardest thing I have ever had to go through! First, she had to fast for 4 hours prior to the scan and when you think the scan is about an hour long plus waiting for the doctor's approval to let us go, it was about 51/2 hours before she ate. She usually goes 3 -4 hours tops between feeds. She was a bit fussy at first but easily distracted.
At the hospital she was in such a good mood. I wish I had my camera with me because she even had her first laugh! She sort of laughed before that but it was kind of hard for me to know if it was a true laugh or not, but today it was without a doubt a laugh! I immediately thought, ok of all days, the scan had to be on the day when she has been the happiest I've seen her in a while! Well, at least she was happy!
I must say the staff was great, and there was barely any waiting which was nice! So our experience was good in that sense. The sad part of it all, was the fact that she had to have IV. Also, because she is so little and you can't move during the scan, they had her strapped in this vest type thing which held her snug. What a sad, sad sight to see. It broke my heart! Next came the tears! She cried so much for the IV that I had to do everything in my power to stay happy for her! I get a lump in my throat just thinking of it! We don't know the results just yet, but I will keep everyone posted!
I know there are some less fortunate children/babies out there, and I can't even imagine but props to them and their parents for being so strong!
On a funny note, we got home and she is doing fine now, except for the spit up number she did while on webcam with my family. My laptop took the brunt of it..yep..all over my key board! At least it still works!
Today has been a world wind of emotions! Let me start from the beginning. I was so excited to learn yesterday that Hailey was booked in for a Meckel's Diverticulum scan at Children's Hospital today. This is mainly to check to see if the blood in the stool is or isn't coming from misplaced stomach tissue releasing acid. It would explain all the pain she experiences while passing a bowel movement as well. As a mom it is obviously natural to want the scan so that we can properly come up with a diagnosis, however I must say this was the hardest thing I have ever had to go through! First, she had to fast for 4 hours prior to the scan and when you think the scan is about an hour long plus waiting for the doctor's approval to let us go, it was about 51/2 hours before she ate. She usually goes 3 -4 hours tops between feeds. She was a bit fussy at first but easily distracted.
At the hospital she was in such a good mood. I wish I had my camera with me because she even had her first laugh! She sort of laughed before that but it was kind of hard for me to know if it was a true laugh or not, but today it was without a doubt a laugh! I immediately thought, ok of all days, the scan had to be on the day when she has been the happiest I've seen her in a while! Well, at least she was happy!
I must say the staff was great, and there was barely any waiting which was nice! So our experience was good in that sense. The sad part of it all, was the fact that she had to have IV. Also, because she is so little and you can't move during the scan, they had her strapped in this vest type thing which held her snug. What a sad, sad sight to see. It broke my heart! Next came the tears! She cried so much for the IV that I had to do everything in my power to stay happy for her! I get a lump in my throat just thinking of it! We don't know the results just yet, but I will keep everyone posted!
I know there are some less fortunate children/babies out there, and I can't even imagine but props to them and their parents for being so strong!
On a funny note, we got home and she is doing fine now, except for the spit up number she did while on webcam with my family. My laptop took the brunt of it..yep..all over my key board! At least it still works!
Monday, March 19, 2012
Public BFing
Today I would like to rant about breastfeeding in public. I remember a day where I found it kinda weird/strange for mother's to do that..especially when it's at a mall. My thoughts were that why would you be at the mall hanging out when you could be at home breastfeeding in private where you would be more comfortable. Not once did I ever think, well maybe they had to come for something and the baby got hungry especially when you are demand feeding..which is inevitable when they are so young!
This happened to me today. We were out for something, thought we'd be back on time for her feed but she just got a little fussy sooner than what I had expected, so we headed to the food court where I could feed her and also get a bite to eat ourselves. I quickly realized that people around me could possibly be thinking the exact same thing I used to think.." look at her feeding at the mall when she should be at home!" or maybe I'm the only who thought that haha. Regardless, it happens. It's not like I was at the mall cause I have a shopping addiction and would rather be there then at home.
Today however, maybe it's because its March break for some schools but there were so many people at the mall. This made it a bit challenging to be in a corner somewhere private. So I thought "whatever!", I have my breastfeeding cover with me, she's hungry, people see more skin on a regular basis anyway. Plus, I think its more embarrassing for those who notice than it is for the mom which is something our society needs to get over!
It was a little awkward at first but it was easier than I had anticipated and as a result, we could continue on with our day without having to rush home. My only little beef was the little boy sitting in the booth behind kept asking why Hailey was crying (as I'm getting her ready to feed). I tell him well its because she's hungry and he's just hanging over..why didn't the father who could see us not get his kid to turn around..well if he got his first flash of boob by me, it's not my problem!
Other than that here are some pics to enjoy...
"Look at me, I'm so cute in my little hooded vest"
"I love bubble baths!!!"
This happened to me today. We were out for something, thought we'd be back on time for her feed but she just got a little fussy sooner than what I had expected, so we headed to the food court where I could feed her and also get a bite to eat ourselves. I quickly realized that people around me could possibly be thinking the exact same thing I used to think.." look at her feeding at the mall when she should be at home!" or maybe I'm the only who thought that haha. Regardless, it happens. It's not like I was at the mall cause I have a shopping addiction and would rather be there then at home.
Today however, maybe it's because its March break for some schools but there were so many people at the mall. This made it a bit challenging to be in a corner somewhere private. So I thought "whatever!", I have my breastfeeding cover with me, she's hungry, people see more skin on a regular basis anyway. Plus, I think its more embarrassing for those who notice than it is for the mom which is something our society needs to get over!
It was a little awkward at first but it was easier than I had anticipated and as a result, we could continue on with our day without having to rush home. My only little beef was the little boy sitting in the booth behind kept asking why Hailey was crying (as I'm getting her ready to feed). I tell him well its because she's hungry and he's just hanging over..why didn't the father who could see us not get his kid to turn around..well if he got his first flash of boob by me, it's not my problem!
Other than that here are some pics to enjoy...
"Look at me, I'm so cute in my little hooded vest"
"I love bubble baths!!!"
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Prenatal class reunion
Today, we had a reunion with the parents from our prenatal class and their babies. It was fun to see everyone's babies and hear their stories. Hailey behaved herself ( a couple short little crying fits but nothing crazy). It was also nice to dress up a bit and also dress Hailey up since we are usually at home dressed in sweats and covered in spit up (sounds awesome doesn't it? haha)
The rest of the day was pretty laid back, went for a little walk and grabbed some coffee :)
Enjoy some of the pics I've posted here from the reunion..I've also included one that I thought was pretty funny..it looks like the little boy next to her, Connor is punching Hailey in the face and Hailey is freaking out...when in reality Hailey only cried for a sec and he didn't punch her lol.
Babies lined up from oldest to youngest
The rest of the day was pretty laid back, went for a little walk and grabbed some coffee :)
Enjoy some of the pics I've posted here from the reunion..I've also included one that I thought was pretty funny..it looks like the little boy next to her, Connor is punching Hailey in the face and Hailey is freaking out...when in reality Hailey only cried for a sec and he didn't punch her lol.
Babies lined up from oldest to youngest
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Got almond milk?
Today was another good day. Hailey is back to mainly breastfeeding and today was another good day for her. Cutting back on the dairy and soy is challenging but worth it if that's what it is. I feel so much healthier following Canada's food guide (minus the dairy of course). I even fit into my smallest jeans ! (you know that pair that's sitting in your closet hoping some day you'll fit into them again..well they do!!!)
I found out that almond milk is my new fav item! Not only is it good in cereal, but I can also bake with it and have it in my coffee..why didn't I think of that before?? I actually found out that a near by coffee shop that I walk past everyday has almond milk. Not sure if starbucks does or not but this small little coffee shop has become my saviour! We also decided to eat at the mall food court today which I thought would be quite tricky but we ate at Opa's and they have no dairy options which is great!
On a different note, for those actually taking the time to read this, Hailey, Rob and I will be making an appearance in NB soon! Like April/May soon! Yep! It will be such a nice break and I look forward to seeing how she does on a plane. (This is also pending on how her tests go)
Can't wait!
I found out that almond milk is my new fav item! Not only is it good in cereal, but I can also bake with it and have it in my coffee..why didn't I think of that before?? I actually found out that a near by coffee shop that I walk past everyday has almond milk. Not sure if starbucks does or not but this small little coffee shop has become my saviour! We also decided to eat at the mall food court today which I thought would be quite tricky but we ate at Opa's and they have no dairy options which is great!
On a different note, for those actually taking the time to read this, Hailey, Rob and I will be making an appearance in NB soon! Like April/May soon! Yep! It will be such a nice break and I look forward to seeing how she does on a plane. (This is also pending on how her tests go)
Can't wait!
Friday, March 16, 2012
On a brighter note!
So last night Hailey slept soooo good! I was so happy for her. She fell asleep at her usual time (8:00) and only woke up at 3 am for a feed then fell asleep until 7 am. I was very pleased, not so much for me but for her and that she was able to have a comfortable rest. She also didn't have any blood in her stool all day yesterday.
I did realize that I had another source of milk that I was drinking without realizing. There's this organic sparkle juice I've been drinking instead of pop and the orange flavour has milk in it..heck..here's to another 2-3 weeks of getting it out of my system.
We still don't have any date yet for the testing but I eagerly await so that we can find out what's really going on.
She still has been grabbing on to objects more and more. She really enjoys her squishy book and stuff that rattles.
We do some tummy time as much as we can (to which she can tolerate and only when she isn't feeling bad). Here's some pics of her playing on her play mat..
I did realize that I had another source of milk that I was drinking without realizing. There's this organic sparkle juice I've been drinking instead of pop and the orange flavour has milk in it..heck..here's to another 2-3 weeks of getting it out of my system.
We still don't have any date yet for the testing but I eagerly await so that we can find out what's really going on.
She still has been grabbing on to objects more and more. She really enjoys her squishy book and stuff that rattles.
We do some tummy time as much as we can (to which she can tolerate and only when she isn't feeling bad). Here's some pics of her playing on her play mat..
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Freaking out!
So last night was the same deal..maybe even worse! She fell asleep at 8:30 and seemed so peaceful then BAM starts crying like crazy like she's being tortured! After a few minutes of white noise, she fell back asleep and I thought well this isn't too bad. Then at about 11:30 she wakes up screaming again. When I changed her, she had blood in her poop again and she looked like she had such a hard time passing it! Even while I was changing her she still had more coming out and seeing those tears poor down her face just broke my heart in a million little pieces. I was extremely frustrated with her until I saw that it was pure pain causing her to cry like that. I just broke down and cried right along with her.
I was going to bring her to the emergency but she soon fell asleep for the night. Even though, we've been trying to get her to sleep in her crib, tonight was NOT one of those nights..I just wanted to hold her all night!
Today I called the paediatrician as soon I knew they would be open and was able to speak with her. She now wants Hailey to get tested for Meckel's Diverticulum which is a pouch on the intestine made during prenatal development that is usually absorbed before birth and it produces acid like the lining of the stomach but the intestines can't tolerate it. Diagnosis is made by a scan at Children's Hospital. If it is that..it possibly means surgery! :(. I am so scared and as my title says "freaking out".
It is difficult as it is raising a baby, not to mention being across the Country from your family and now with possibly surgery!! I hope and pray to God that it isn't and that its just her intolerance to dairy. The doctor was mainly concerned as to the amount of pain she was in which is the reasoning behind the further testing. At least with the scan they can tell where the bleeding is coming from.
All I want is for a healthy/happy baby. Please say a little prayer for Hailey :)
I was going to bring her to the emergency but she soon fell asleep for the night. Even though, we've been trying to get her to sleep in her crib, tonight was NOT one of those nights..I just wanted to hold her all night!
Today I called the paediatrician as soon I knew they would be open and was able to speak with her. She now wants Hailey to get tested for Meckel's Diverticulum which is a pouch on the intestine made during prenatal development that is usually absorbed before birth and it produces acid like the lining of the stomach but the intestines can't tolerate it. Diagnosis is made by a scan at Children's Hospital. If it is that..it possibly means surgery! :(. I am so scared and as my title says "freaking out".
It is difficult as it is raising a baby, not to mention being across the Country from your family and now with possibly surgery!! I hope and pray to God that it isn't and that its just her intolerance to dairy. The doctor was mainly concerned as to the amount of pain she was in which is the reasoning behind the further testing. At least with the scan they can tell where the bleeding is coming from.
All I want is for a healthy/happy baby. Please say a little prayer for Hailey :)
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Sleep FAIL
So the night before last, Hailey fell asleep pretty well after her bath and feed. I slept with her as per usual but when she woke up for her 2 am feed, I put her in her crib to try it out. Sure enough, she slept in there pretty well and lasted until her next feed at around 5 am.
LAST night, however, was a whole different story. Yesterday as a whole, I could tell she was just a bit more fussy. I knew it was going to be like that all day when she wasn't napping for more than 30 min at a time which just makes it worse! She was tired, I could tell by her cry and she was yawning all day but its like she wouldn't let herself nap! When Rob got home I was just EXHAUSTED from walking around with her, that he took over for a bit. He put the white noise on in her room and she fell asleep at around 8 which is her normal time to fall asleep. I was super happy, so I took her from him and went to our normal sleeping spot. She lasted maybe a whole 10 min then she woke up screeching!!!
So I put the white noise back on, which usually does the trick but nothing! I tired wrapping her in her miracle blanket (aka the straight jacket as we call it) put her in her swing. This technique we use when all else fails..NOTHING. Still up and screaming. I thought, well she can't really be hungry I just fed her, but I tried anyway. Nope.
To make matters worse, last night was one of the only nights where Rob had to go to bed early as he had an early start in Squamish which is about 40 min away to be on set.....AND the people downstairs decided to have the music blasting! What a set up for a disaster. I felt really pressured to get her sleeping. Finally after about 3 hours, I changed her and decided to give her some formula. She sank it and fell asleep until 5 am! Still though, mommy is REALLY tired today! Since I can't have dairy, coffee is out of the question..yuck black coffee.
It's just discouraging when you finally have a routine going and think its going all up hill, then a day like this happens. It makes you wonder if its just a bad day or if there's more to it..
Hopefully today she will nap regularly and go back to her routine :)
LAST night, however, was a whole different story. Yesterday as a whole, I could tell she was just a bit more fussy. I knew it was going to be like that all day when she wasn't napping for more than 30 min at a time which just makes it worse! She was tired, I could tell by her cry and she was yawning all day but its like she wouldn't let herself nap! When Rob got home I was just EXHAUSTED from walking around with her, that he took over for a bit. He put the white noise on in her room and she fell asleep at around 8 which is her normal time to fall asleep. I was super happy, so I took her from him and went to our normal sleeping spot. She lasted maybe a whole 10 min then she woke up screeching!!!
So I put the white noise back on, which usually does the trick but nothing! I tired wrapping her in her miracle blanket (aka the straight jacket as we call it) put her in her swing. This technique we use when all else fails..NOTHING. Still up and screaming. I thought, well she can't really be hungry I just fed her, but I tried anyway. Nope.
To make matters worse, last night was one of the only nights where Rob had to go to bed early as he had an early start in Squamish which is about 40 min away to be on set.....AND the people downstairs decided to have the music blasting! What a set up for a disaster. I felt really pressured to get her sleeping. Finally after about 3 hours, I changed her and decided to give her some formula. She sank it and fell asleep until 5 am! Still though, mommy is REALLY tired today! Since I can't have dairy, coffee is out of the question..yuck black coffee.
It's just discouraging when you finally have a routine going and think its going all up hill, then a day like this happens. It makes you wonder if its just a bad day or if there's more to it..
Hopefully today she will nap regularly and go back to her routine :)
Monday, March 12, 2012
Yesterday afternoon after my last entry, I was playing with Hailey and she actually picked up her squishy book off of her lap! I was so shocked. Of course, it went straight to her mouth haha. Lately, she has been sucking so much on her fists and her bibs or anything that she actually grasps. When she isn't sleeping, eating or crying she is sucking on her fists.
Other improvements is that she is sleeping a bit better! She naps well on her tummy (1.5-3 hours) a couple times a day which have started to follow a certain time pattern. Also last night she slept quite well.
Today, Hailey and I went and had lunch at Boston Pizza with some moms from my pre natal class and their babies. It's fun to share stories and be able to talk to other moms. I had a chicken pecan salad (minus the cheese lol) and it was tasty! Hailey was a bit cranky at first since I had to wake her up to get her ready , which I still feel horrible about :( After I got my meal though, she fell asleep in her car seat! So a normal life is starting to return...SLOWLY, but it's on its way.
All in all, today was a pretty good day!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Sunday outing
Today Rob and I went for a little stroll down by Lonsdaly Quay. It was a nice day and Hailey was wide eyed in her stroller enjoying it! So this is day 2 of adding formula. I have been alternating between the two just incase it doesn't work out. I am still questioning everything and its simply a trial. I will be in contact with a dietitian to help with meals containing no milk protein, as its even found in some soy products! The bonding experience between Hailey and I is greatest during feeds right now so I really hope to be able to continue, but I hate to see her in pain caused by dairy :( Only time will tell I guess.
Happy Sunday all!
Happy Sunday all!
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Welcome Hailey
Recently I have had some inspiration to create a blog that follows the growth, special moments and life experiences I share with my newborn Hailey Anne Bannister.
Hailey was born November 30 2011, at 6:44 pm, weighing 6 lbs 7 oz. She came out as content as can be and my husband Rob and I instantly fell in love!
She is now 14.5 weeks old, so just over 3 months and well lets just say it has been a crazy experience so far. In a nutshell, she has been pretty colicky which keeps us on our feet 24/7. Just recently, however, she has been diagnosed with acid reflux and a milk protein sensitivity, so this whole time there was a reason behind all the crying! Poor thing! So, she is on prevacid for the reflux and I had to give up and foods containing lactose or any milk ingredient what so ever.
Today, we introduced formula, since the diet isn't very easy for me. It was a difficult decision and still, I am not very happy about it, so I have been alternating between formula and breastmilk to keep the flow just incase!
Since introducing, she has been very calm after her feeds and I seem to be much more relaxed and noticed an increase amount of down time instead of constantly tending to her crying! Its a nice feeling.
Can't wait to see if this will be a positive change. Good luck Hailey, we love you very much xoxo
Hailey was born November 30 2011, at 6:44 pm, weighing 6 lbs 7 oz. She came out as content as can be and my husband Rob and I instantly fell in love!
She is now 14.5 weeks old, so just over 3 months and well lets just say it has been a crazy experience so far. In a nutshell, she has been pretty colicky which keeps us on our feet 24/7. Just recently, however, she has been diagnosed with acid reflux and a milk protein sensitivity, so this whole time there was a reason behind all the crying! Poor thing! So, she is on prevacid for the reflux and I had to give up and foods containing lactose or any milk ingredient what so ever.
Today, we introduced formula, since the diet isn't very easy for me. It was a difficult decision and still, I am not very happy about it, so I have been alternating between formula and breastmilk to keep the flow just incase!
Since introducing, she has been very calm after her feeds and I seem to be much more relaxed and noticed an increase amount of down time instead of constantly tending to her crying! Its a nice feeling.
Can't wait to see if this will be a positive change. Good luck Hailey, we love you very much xoxo
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