Today was a good day overall. We went for a walk, twice. Once with a friend and again to get some food. She is still speaking and drooling like crazy and unfortunately still blood present in her stool :( She seems in better spirits in general, though, she does still have the occasional fussiness when she has a bowel movement. I am continuing the no dairy diet, however I have been having a bit of soy here and there as it's so hard to give up both. I just got over a cold and wanted soup so badly which, you guessed it, contains soy. So from then on I have been not so strict with soy, but still not over doing it. Perhaps that's why there's still blood, maybe the soy is irritating the fissure? I don't know what to think anymore, as a matter of fact, my head hurts when I think about it! Thank God she has a follow up appointment next week.
So to celebrate her turning 4 months, we took a bath together! I was a bit anxious to see how she would react; her face was priceless! She had the biggest eyes when she quickly noticed we weren't headed for her usual bath spot but instead going into a big white tub! When I thought they wouldn't get any bigger, they did as I lowered her into the bath with me. She quickly started kicking and splashing, it was super cute! She also didn't mind having her head half submerged either! I think she is totally ready for the pool :)
So here's the end of the month stats:
4 months (or 17 weeks)
weight: 13 lbs
length: 23 3/4 inches
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