Recently I have had some inspiration to create a blog that follows the growth, special moments and life experiences I share with my newborn Hailey Anne Bannister.
Hailey was born November 30 2011, at 6:44 pm, weighing 6 lbs 7 oz. She came out as content as can be and my husband Rob and I instantly fell in love!
She is now 14.5 weeks old, so just over 3 months and well lets just say it has been a crazy experience so far. In a nutshell, she has been pretty colicky which keeps us on our feet 24/7. Just recently, however, she has been diagnosed with acid reflux and a milk protein sensitivity, so this whole time there was a reason behind all the crying! Poor thing! So, she is on prevacid for the reflux and I had to give up and foods containing lactose or any milk ingredient what so ever.
Today, we introduced formula, since the diet isn't very easy for me. It was a difficult decision and still, I am not very happy about it, so I have been alternating between formula and breastmilk to keep the flow just incase!
Since introducing, she has been very calm after her feeds and I seem to be much more relaxed and noticed an increase amount of down time instead of constantly tending to her crying! Its a nice feeling.
Can't wait to see if this will be a positive change. Good luck Hailey, we love you very much xoxo
I think if you switch off dairy, your sinuses clear up real good. Double win?