Today has been a world wind of emotions! Let me start from the beginning. I was so excited to learn yesterday that Hailey was booked in for a Meckel's Diverticulum scan at Children's Hospital today. This is mainly to check to see if the blood in the stool is or isn't coming from misplaced stomach tissue releasing acid. It would explain all the pain she experiences while passing a bowel movement as well. As a mom it is obviously natural to want the scan so that we can properly come up with a diagnosis, however I must say this was the hardest thing I have ever had to go through! First, she had to fast for 4 hours prior to the scan and when you think the scan is about an hour long plus waiting for the doctor's approval to let us go, it was about 51/2 hours before she ate. She usually goes 3 -4 hours tops between feeds. She was a bit fussy at first but easily distracted.
At the hospital she was in such a good mood. I wish I had my camera with me because she even had her first laugh! She sort of laughed before that but it was kind of hard for me to know if it was a true laugh or not, but today it was without a doubt a laugh! I immediately thought, ok of all days, the scan had to be on the day when she has been the happiest I've seen her in a while! Well, at least she was happy!
I must say the staff was great, and there was barely any waiting which was nice! So our experience was good in that sense. The sad part of it all, was the fact that she had to have IV. Also, because she is so little and you can't move during the scan, they had her strapped in this vest type thing which held her snug. What a sad, sad sight to see. It broke my heart! Next came the tears! She cried so much for the IV that I had to do everything in my power to stay happy for her! I get a lump in my throat just thinking of it! We don't know the results just yet, but I will keep everyone posted!
I know there are some less fortunate children/babies out there, and I can't even imagine but props to them and their parents for being so strong!
On a funny note, we got home and she is doing fine now, except for the spit up number she did while on webcam with my family. My laptop took the brunt of it..yep..all over my key board! At least it still works!
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