Last night after another painful bowel movement for Hailey, I noticed her stool was sort of brick coloured and thought ok enough is enough I want answers NOW. When Rob got home we went straight to the ER and told them the whole story and how I was fed up of seeing her in pain and I didn't want to leave without answers. At first it looked as if I was going to be disappointed yet again as the doctor was saying that we were following the pediatrician and that we were doing everything right. He continued with the whole "well she's gaining and seems healthy" bit. Yes, she is gaining, yes she seems otherwise in good health, but I REALLY hate when they say that because they aren't the ones at home seeing her struggle and cry with actual tears running down her face from the pain on a regular basis! PLUS blood???hello can you say red alert??
Anyway, he at that point examined her and found something that even I saw with me own was very apparent that she had a fissure slightly inside. It didn't take much to make it bleed either..and holy wow did she ever cry when it started to bleed! The exact cry she does sometimes before I notice blood in her diaper. So...that would explain a lot, it would explain why she doesn't always have blood and also why sometimes she cries when she passes gas. It all makes sense. So wait? Why wasn't this seen before?? That is what makes me sooooo angry. She could have had this resolved a month ago when the bleeding first showed up. I even had one doctor examine her there and he proceeded to tell me that he didn't think that it was Seriously? Glad he isn't my regular doctor! I am also saddened that I had to put her through hell for a test that will without a doubt come back negative. Although I am happy it will be negative!
Anyway, I am just happy we found what it was. Sad part is though, it can still be worsened by milk protein so I still have to watch that..maybe not as severe as before (ie can have things that have bits of soy for example). However, I will continue it until it has cleared for sure.
Today its beautiful out, so I am excited that we can spend the weekend together and actually enjoy it!

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