I have been trying for the past day and a half to add videos to this blog to show how Hailey can roll. It just keeps saying loading for EVER. So, I gave up. Anyway, she shocked me when I placed her for tummy time and she immediately rolled over :) She has done this a few times now and I was able to catch it on video. She also is SO SO SO close to rolling over from her back. She has the technique just has her arm in that exact spot preventing her from getting over. She will catch on I'm sure. It's such a great feeling, however bitter sweet because now I have to really watch her on her changing table. Not that I have just let her there but I mean now I have to hold her lol..or change her elsewhere. (But, I am not mentally ready for her to outgrow it :( )
She also started doing this strange thing where it looks like she's chewing gum haha. I even thought the first time that she had something in her mouth she was rolling around but no. It's pretty funny. I read that it can be a sign of teething also or it could just be she discovered something else she could do lol.
Anyways, today we took a drive out to Squamish, it was nice. She slept pretty much the whole time except when it was time to eat. We're getting pretty comfortable driving around being out with her, it's nice.
I can't wait until she discovers something else she can do, it's such a nice change from the "change, feed, burp ,cry and sleep" routine. Oh and I am convinced that she says "hi", I think its her first word! hehe
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