I don't know what it is these past few nights but Hailey has been extra annoying. She's fine during the day, but the days of sleeping 6 hours straight seemed to have come to a halt. Maybe it's a cold she caught from me or teething (which COULD be possible), but whatever it is, it causes her to sort of whine every 2-3 hours. I am still doubting the teething since she is only 4 months but at the same time she seems to really want to chew on anything she gets her hands on and the DROOL omg the drool. Ironically, the spit up has decreased significantly but now the bibs stay on because of this endless amount of spit bubbles and drool.
Even though I work in the dental profession, I am no teething expert when it comes to the first two. I have yet to see a baby prior to the eruption of their first little set. So, it is hard for me to tell. She seems to have two little white spots on the lingual aspect of her gums (on the back side where your tongue would touch). The gum itself doesn't appear red or anything..just the two little white buds. Now I don't know if that appears a long while before they erupt or if this is the start of teething but all I can say is that I am seriously tired of co-sleeping.
I wanted to train her in her crib but now that she has this little thing going on where she sort of whines/cries every 2-3 hours..I don't know if I am up for it. On the other hand, it has to be done. Hopefully, it won't last long whatever it is.
The day before last, a package arrived from her nana and papa for Easter. I didn't open the easter wrapped gift but my mom insisted that I open the box to check out some of the things. There were two sweet dresses, a sundress, some books, a raincoat, a handmade bracelet and a recordable storybook which had my parents' voices recorded! Hailey loved it!
Here are some pics of the dresses :)

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