It was a BIG day for Hailey today. We went for a family walk down to Lonsdale Quay, got some veggies there and then spent the rest of the day at Stanley Park! Now that I conquered my fear of BFing in public, I don't mind being out for extended periods (as long as Hailey is doing ok that is).
I have a bit of a cold (sore throat and sniffles) so, it was kind of annoying that it was a bind windy near the water. Once we got into the trails though, it warmed up. I just hope that Hailey doesn't catch my cold :( It was really nice to get out with Rob as well though. It was a beautiful day and when Hailey is calm its a wonderful time! Everything seemed to be lovely, but then the grey cloud appeared.
As we approached our parked care to head home, we noticed from far that there was a van parked horizontally in front of our car. I thought, ok that's strange. Then I noticed a group of people standing around. We quickly realized that the van had totally damaged our car. We don't know what in the world this driver was doing/thinking but apparently he was trying to park and hit the gas while backing thinking he was in drive. He ended up on the curb and damaged our whole front end.
For those who don't know. The car (which was brand new btw) got in an accident 24 hours after we bought it while I was 7 months pregnant and we just got it all repaired right before Christmas. Also not our fault. It is so depressing when its the second accident in 6 months caused by others! Thank God we weren't in it but still. What a mood killer.
Even though it ended kind of horribly, playing with Hailey made us forget all the bad stuff that happened. She is getting really strong and just about rolls from both her stomach and back! She is getting really good at tummy time (even though we don't practice everyday). She has strong legs and can stand on them with very little help and when she's on her tummy she tries so hard to get her knees under her!
So that's our day in a nutshell!

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